Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~My StuDy WeEk~

My study week going to end soon and final is nearest...
but no MOOD to study..-.-
many things have to revise..
the notes as high as Mount Everest..
really OMG..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

^^ A c@RiNg freNz ^^

so long didn't update my blog lor ~!
this is due 2 my laziness + busyness..( but 90% laziness + 10 % busyness )..haha
anyway..2day wanna share a lovely + caring story to u all^^
one day,(forgot which day, cz ?? weeks ago, tat day lazy 2 write it~~@@ )
after taking d dinner at arcade, suddenly rain very heavily...and tat time v 7 ppl only gt 2 umbrella, so another 2 fren come bac 2 hostel 2 take another extra umbrella lor..
haha..wat v touching is--- when d fren come down 2 arcade, she nt only take d umbrella for us, she also take the slipper for another 2 fren( cz tat time they wearing sport shoe)2 exchange it..wah.. she is so caring !! she is my angel! hehe.. really feel touching tat time, although i m nt the 2 fren who wearing sport shoe lah, but also feel very warm..she is a caring, understanding, clever, good.................hehe.. she is my fish fish! my idol..^^