Thursday, December 11, 2008 holiday..

aiya.. holidays always very fast~~ almost 3 weeks over ard~~

like doin nth also~~ really dun like bac 2 utm, coz after bac sure wil struggle wf a lot of assign, test, presentation..

omg~~so holiday really wan 2 enjoy it lor! haahahaha..

say bac to my holiday.. after finish my holiday, we no straight bac sp, we go melaka n our my coursemates(ah yao n jia yi) guide us n we stay at their house too~ (paiseh to disturb them also) but really is a nice trip~~ hehe~~ 1st we go tampin 1st.. haha.. then eat tampin famous mee(sth like wan tan mee,i forget its name ard") then jia yi's mum cook many many delicious food for us.. wau... one table full of food lor~~!

the next morning we go malacca town,now we r staying at my roommate~ah yao's house ^^
1st we go melaka red house there~~ hehe.. ah yao help us take a lot of photo good..
then we go eat chicken rice n satay celup.. really nice oh.. next time sure wan cum bac 2 eat..hhaha
hehe.. really thanks jia yi n ah yao kindly hospitality n let us stay at their house^^ so good@~


  1. opps.. is after my final nt holiday^^

  2. haha...
    they treat us really nice...
    so happy nia tat 2 days...
    eat so much thing...

  3. hope u all wil bec to mlk again.stil got many place haven go yet.
